Google Web Pages

Creating Webpages with Google

Webpage Slidedeck (makes a copy in your Google Drive)

Google makes it so easy for teachers to have an online presence. Here are three options.

1. Publish Doc to the web

Take any Google Doc or Slide, select the File menu, and select Publish to the Web. This will automatically update the Webpage as the user updates the document.

This will make a long URL so consider a URL shortener to give out to others.

2.  Blogger

Blogger is Google's blog solution. Free to create. Users can add pages to the blog for more static information. The "blog" portion can be used for announcements, pictures of classroom activities, student responses, writing prompts, and much more classroom information. 

3.  Google Sites

The New Google Sites allows for the easiest web page creation. Easily insert text, images, video, and Google Docs from the console. Users can easily add and delete pages to enhance their site. Super easy to publish and share your site with a select group or the world.

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